The evil wizards congregated around the sickly tree that stood crookedly and unsteadily at the mouth of the cave.
They were surrounded on all sides by the dinosaur legion whose precious jewels they tried to steal. Revenge was at hand.
This was the final showdown. The glowing magic of the small troupe of all-powerful wizards against the tremendous, unbreaking muscle and pure, unadulterated heart of the dinosaurs.
It was almost no contest. Bright lightning did nothing to their saurian hides as great, conical teeth ripped and tore the aged flesh and yellowing robes of the pathetic and greedy wizards.
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99 Words is a pet project I started in 2011 when at college. The idea was that I didn't have time for writing, but still had passing fancies, visions, plot ideas, and the like. Instead of tossing them to the wayside, I came up with a plan to turn those notes into little chunkules of text, each 99 words long. This is section is still updated.