The two pounds of polished brown metal slid along the green stone floor. My metal boots smashed the glassy surface with each step. I reached over my shoulder to the two hundred pounds of weapons and ammunition tied to my back.
The Gothic arches of the Cathedral of the Damned towered over our heads. I could see his shining body armor as he dodged behind a pillar. My shaking hands gripped the heavy, red, metallic launcher and slapped in a rocket.
Then came the double explosion: the firing pin on the rocket and Johann's guts and armor splashing everywhere.
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99 Words is a pet project I started in 2011 when at college. The idea was that I didn't have time for writing, but still had passing fancies, visions, plot ideas, and the like. Instead of tossing them to the wayside, I came up with a plan to turn those notes into little chunkules of text, each 99 words long. This is section is still updated.