99 Words

Number 19

The cookies were stale in her mouth. She looked disgustedly at the plate. A few minutes later, she passed the grocer. Both lonely people glanced at each other with indifference. Hesitatingly, she turned the corner of the narrow street and let him disappear. She threw her back against the wall and scuffled through her purse. Now was her moment! The indifference was perfect. He was oblivious.

At last, she had the gun. She shoved it into her pocket. Her movements were terribly amateur. One shot. He'd die. She'd run. Frenzy. Hysteria.

There'd be no more rotten tomatoes for her!

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A Word

99 Words is a pet project I started in 2011 when at college. The idea was that I didn't have time for writing, but still had passing fancies, visions, plot ideas, and the like. Instead of tossing them to the wayside, I came up with a plan to turn those notes into little chunkules of text, each 99 words long. This is section is still updated.